Supply Chain Manager Exam Prep - Question List

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16. Another type of supply chain demand is called ____________because it is not the independent demand of the end-use customer.
  1. Single demand
  2. Derived demand
  3. Rush demand
  4. All of the above.
17. The sell processes are focused on _________,which includes providing the sales force the ________ they need to make a sale.
  1. Planning; Data.
  2. Planning; Information.
  3. Sales; Marketing.
  4. Salesperson; Consumer.

Let's suppose that Green Gardening Tools applies another approach to meet demand in which it builds up inventory during the off-season to keep production stable year round. What would be the advantage and the disadvantage of this approach?

  1. Smaller inventory; higher profits
  2. Smaller, less expensive factory; fewer promotions
  3. Smaller less expensive factory; higher inventory carrying costs
  4. Larger profits, smaller labor force
19. Increasing the degree of responsiveness is hard to achieve and typically involves __________________.
  1. Trade-off decisions by management.
  2. Trade-off decisions by suppliers.
  3. Trade-off decisions by consumers.
  4. All of the above.
20. Which of the following is NOT considered a common purpose of CRM?
  1. Better management of customers through the introduction of reliable systems and methods.
  2. Enabling organizations to service their existing customers more emphatically and forcefully.
  3. Providing demand forecast of consumers /purchasers.
  4. All of the above.

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