FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - FNP Practice Questions

What would an athlete that tears their calcanial tendon have trouble with?

  1. Inversing his knee
  2. Extending his knee
  3. Dorsiflexing his foot
  4. Plantarflexing his foot

Answer − D - The athlete would experience difficulty in plantarflexing his foot. The thickest and strongest of all the tendons in the body, the calcanial tendon is used by gastrocnemius and soleus to insert on the dorsum of calcaneus. When the calcanial tendon gets ripped, the major plantaflexors would not be inserting on the calcaneus to be able to plantaflex the leg.

The calcaneal tendon connects the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus muscles) to the heel bone (calcaneus). The calcaneal tendon plays a crucial role in helping to support the foot and enabling movements such as walking, running, and jumping by transmitting force from the calf muscles to the foot. When the calf muscles contract, the calcaneal tendon pulls the heel upwards, allowing for these movements. Injuries to the Achilles tendon, such as tendonitis or rupture, can result in pain and limited mobility.

Studies show men are more likely to suffer an Achilles' tendon tear.

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