FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

A woman came in her sixth day of puerperium complains of foul-smelling vaginal discharge and a rise in temperature above normal. How will you manage her?
  1. Adequate fluid and calorie intake
  2. Antibiotic administration
  3. Reduction of temperature
  4. All of the above
Answer: D - All of the above

This is a case of an infection of the genital tract; it is a complication of delivery termed as puerperal sepsis.

Management of puerperal sepsis can include:
1. Isolation of the patient
2. Adequate fluid and calorie intake
3. Correction of anemic condition
4. Reduction in temperature if high
5. Antibiotic administration
6. Paracetamol as antipyretic
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