IB Mathematics SL Prep

Category - IB Mathematics

If the speed of a car is 200 km per hour, how may minutes does it take to travel 60 km?
  1. 3 1/3 hours
  2. 20 minutes
  3. 18 minutes
  4. 22 minutes
  5. 24 minutes
Answer: 18 minutes. The quickest way to do this problem is to divde 60 by 200.

You can quickly reduce that to 3/10. Then multiply 3/10 by 60 to get 18 minutes.

Key Takeaway: Again, we can't emphasize the value of being really comfortable with the time units. 60 breaks down nicely with fractions as it is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30.
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