Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

What questions do goal statements answer in a treatment plan?

  1. They identify the precipitating events needed for discharge and the establishment of a temporary NA sponsor
  2. They identify the consequences leading to the decision to change the client's abuse pattern and the acceptance of the client of a chemical abuse problem
  3. The establishment of a temporary NA sponsor and the acceptance of the client of a chemical abuse problem
  4. They identify the consequences leading to the decision to change the client's abuse pattern and the establishment of a temporary NA sponsor

Answer: C - The establishment of a temporary NA sponsor and the acceptance of the client of a chemical abuse problem relate to the behavior needed to recover. The the precipitating events needed for discharge and the consequences leading to the decision to change the client's abuse patter, pertain to the reason for identifying a problem and the reason to change behavior.

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