FE Civil Engineering Exam Prep

Category - Civil Engineering

A 2.2 kg object is sliding across a smooth surface. If the net force acting on the object is 1.6 N to the right, what is the acceleration of the object?
  1. -3.52 m/s2to the left
  2. -0.73 m/s2to the right
  3. 3.52 m/s2to the left
  4. 0.73 m/s2to the right
Answer: D - The acceleration of a 2.2 kg object sliding across a smooth surface with a net force of 1.6 N to the right acting on it is 0.73 m/s2 to the right.


Use Newton’s Second Law
Σ F = ma

Where Σ F = net force = 1.6 N to the right

m = mass = 2.2 kg

a = acceleration

Σ F = ma, so a = Σ F/m

a = 1.6 N / 2.2 kg

1 N = 1 kgm/s2, so

a = (1.6 kg m/s2)/2.2 kg = 0.73 m/s2
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