Praxis I Math Exam Prep

Category - Mathematics

People who score in the 95th percentile on an exam:
  1. Earned a score of 95 on the test
  2. Scored as well or better than 95% of the people who took the same exam
  3. Scored in the top 95% of test takers
  4. Answered 95% of the questions correctly
Answer: B - A test taker who scores in the 95th percentile scored as well or better than 95% of the people who took the exam. It is a comparative measure of success that has nothing to do with the number of questions on the exam, the number of correct responses given or the “score” of the exam in a 1 to 100 grading scheme. Early education exams are typically evaluated solely on this measure. Secondary school, higher education and professional exams vary in their emphasis on this method, but most report comparative percentile scores as a frame of reference.
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