SAT Prep

Category - Reading

Let Prosperity Begin
With the United States newly formed, citizens were excited about the prosperity that awaited them. The Revolutionary War had ended and the most powerful nation in the land was sure to offer the promise of wealth and financial gain. Unfortunately, with the realization that the Continental Congress, the governing body of the United States, was nearly bankrupt, the reality of fortune began to dissolve into the grim reality of despair.
Given the armed mobs that were actively revolting in Massachusetts, the opposition between some states, and the United States’ inability to defend itself, a convention was called together in 1787. At this meeting, the Continental Congress and members from several states met in Philadelphia. The purpose was clear: amendments needed to be added to the Articles of Confederation. It had been noted that the current form of the American Constitution was lacking. Once the meeting began, the result was entirely different than originally anticipated.
With more than fifty delegates in attendance from twelve of the thirteen states, proposals for the three branches of government were presented. As discussion continued among the farmers, merchants, lawyers, and Revolutionary War heroes, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches were formed. What followed was the official drafting of the Constitution, which was completed on September 17, 1787. Three years later, on May 29, 1790, the final state, Rhode Island, ratified the Constitution, making it “the supreme law of the land.”

Prior to the Continental Congress’ meeting, what document listed the governmental rules?
  1. The Revolutionary War Treaty.
  2. The Articles of Confederation.
  3. The Bill of Rights.
  4. The American Constitution.
Answer: B - The Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation are mentioned in the second paragraph and their need for improvement is clearly stated. Without the addition of several amendments, details relating to funding and other governmental concerns were addressed.
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