FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - FNP Practice Questions

Hunter, your 11-year-old student with ADHD, has suddenly become irritable and aggressive toward his classmates. He complains of headaches. His mother informed you that Hunter saw his psychiatrist the week before, and his medication was adjusted. What do you suspect is the cause of Hunter’s change in behavior?

  1. Hunter does not like school.
  2. Hunter’s medication dose is too high.
  3. Hunter’s medication dose is too low.
  4. Hunter is on the wrong medication.
Answer: B. You suspect that Hunter’s medication dose is too high. Stimulant medication can sometimes raise blood pressure, which causes headaches and nausea. The side effects of stimulants also include nervousness and insomnia. All of these factors could contribute to Hunter’s change in behavior.
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