NREMT Advanced EMT Practice Test #4 - Question List

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16. Baroreceptors monitor blood pressure. They are specialized sensors. Where are they located?
  1. Pupillary
  2. Aortic Arch
  3. Carotid Bodies
  4. Both B and C
17. What can cause a direct neural response from the sympathetic nervous system?
  1. Rush of heat
  2. Drop in blood pressure
  3. Sudden cold
  4. Increase in blood pressure
18. The precapillary sphincters close during what stage of shock?
  1. Hyperactive phase
  2. Hypoactive phase
  3. Ischemic phase
  4. None of the above
19. Often, people forget the seriousness of burns. The degree of severity of a burn is determined by what?
  1. Amount of smoke involved
  2. Length of time in contact with burn source
  3. Concentration of heat energy
  4. Temperature of burn source
20. The body responses to burns in several stages. In what stage does catecholamine release?
  1. Fluid shift
  2. Resolution
  3. Emergent
  4. Hypermetabolic

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