NREMT Advanced EMT Practice Test #4 - Question List

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76. What law states that the quantity of nitrogen and oxygen that dissolves in the body’s tissues when 33 feet below the surface, will then be two times that at sea level?
  1. Starling’s law
  2. David’s law
  3. Pram’s law
  4. Henry’s law
77. What drug is often prescribed to those who suffer from bipolar disorder?
  1. Estrogen
  2. Lithium
  3. Nootropics
  4. Naloxone
78. What type of disorder is characterized by physical symptoms that have no apparent physiological cause?
  1. Hyper disorders
  2. Somatoform disorders
  3. Crisis disorders
  4. Depressive disorders
79. Marsha keeps acting as if she has an illness, but she keeps intentionally producing symptoms, assumes the “sick role,” and seems to want external incentives or attention. What is wrong with Marsha?
  1. Factitious disorder
  2. Somatoform disorders
  3. Crisis disorders
  4. Depressive disorders
80. A woman who has delivered her first child is known as what?
  1. Multipara
  2. Primipara
  3. Nullipara
  4. Grand Multipara

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