NPTE Physical Therapist Exam Review - Question List

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106. Which portion of a periodization cycle is usually 1 to 4 weeks long and includes daily and weekly variations in training?
  1. Mesocycles
  2. Microcycles
  3. Macrocycles
  4. Hypertrophy phase
107. In a training program with linear periodization, how long is the strength/power phase of training?
  1. 1-3 weeks
  2. 2-4 weeks
  3. 5-6 weeks
  4. 8-12 weeks
108. In a non-linear periodization program, what training variables are altered?
  1. Intensity and volume
  2. Intensity
  3. Volume
  4. Duration
109. Which of the following is not a significant consideration when placing equipment in an exercise facility?
  1. Enough space to safely perform the exercise
  2. Full visual access to a mirror so participants can monitor their form
  3. Maximizing traffic flow
  4. Enough space for personal trainers to interact with clients using equipment
110. What type of law cases use previous cases as support for a lawyer’s argument in order to make the case seem more relevant and valid?
  1. Case law
  2. Statutory law
  3. Civil law
  4. Common law

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