NAEP Civics Grade 8 - Question List

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16. The Sierra Club is a nongovernmental organization that works to preserve and protect the environment.What is an accurate statement about organizations such as the Sierra Club?
  1. These organizations are not democratic because they only allow certain people to become members.
  2. These organizations can often influence politics more than individuals can.
  3. These organizations are effective because they meet the needs of all members.
  4. These organizations tend to avoid controversial political issues.
17. Which of the following most limits the ability of the United Nations to stop wars between different countries?
  1. The United Nations does not usually have the authority to enforce its decisions.
  2. Member countries have to communicate with each other in too many different languages.
  3. Too many large countries belong to the United Nations.
  4. Too few democratic countries belong to the United Nations.
18. Near the end of an election campaign, a poll shows that an issue that no candidate has mentioned is of great concern to voters. What is most likely to happen?
  1. The election will be postponed.
  2. Newspapers will not report the results of the poll.
  3. Candidates will start talking about the issue.
  4. Some candidates will drop out of the race.
19. If the proposed bill becomes law, a government-appointed board will review all television programming and have the right to censor shows the board believes are too violent. This is a bad idea.It is true that there is a lot of violence on television. Studies show that children are likely to see thousands of violent acts on television by the time they are adults. But we do not really know what effect seeing violence on television has on children. No one has been able to prove that watching violence on television makes kids commit crimes. Censoring television would be restricting the right to free speech. This is not the way to solve our crime problem. There are plenty of direct causes of crime in our society, and we would be better off tackling them.The author of the editorial does not like the proposed bill because it
  1. would take away good entertainment
  2. would be too expensive to enforce
  3. ignores the real causes of crime
  4. blames young people for crime
20. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution of the United States to
  1. ensure that the federal government would be run by a system of checks and balances
  2. set up two parties that would share control of the federal government
  3. establish and protect various civil liberties
  4. guarantee that large states would not overpower smaller ones

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