NAEP Civics Grade 8 - Question List

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11. The number of electoral votes each state is allotted is based on the state's
  1. size
  2. representation in Congress
  3. average income
  4. number of years as a state
12. In the United States, what do labor unions, civil rights groups, business associations, and environmental organizations all have in common?
  1. They try to influence public policy and get people elected.
  2. They share the same ideas about political issues.
  3. They are all funded by the federal government.
  4. They have to pay state and federal taxes.
13. While shopping in the supermarket, Michael notices that many of the fruits and vegetables come from different countries. Who decides what foods other countries can sell to the United States?
  1. The owners of the supermarkets
  2. The federal government
  3. The government of each state
  4. Any country can sell food to the United States
14. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . . . Resolved, that all laws which prevent women from occupying such a station in society as her conscience shall dictate, or which place her in a position inferior to that of man, are contrary to the great precept of nature, and therefore of no force or authority.-Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, July 19-20, 1848The people who wrote the passage were most likely
  1. government officials explaining a government policy
  2. journalists criticizing the federal government
  3. candidates campaigning for public office
  4. citizens trying to change laws they believed were unfair
15. Which of the following has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?
  1. Requiring students in public schools to recite prayers
  2. Requiring journalists to reveal the names of people who provide information for news stories
  3. Allowing citizens to sue the federal government
  4. Allowing states to require that children be vaccinated against diseases

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