MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences - Question List

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Parents have just dropped off their eldest child at college for freshman year. Before leaving, both the parents and the new college student agree to communicate electronically with each other several times a week. Which of the following best illustrates the benefit and value of this mediated communication?
  1. Helping the growth of a social network.
  2. Maintaining an existing relationship during a transition period.
  3. Supporting the financial independence of young people.
  4. Maintaining a list of daily activities in each other's absence.
Although family structure has become increasingly diverse in terms of the individuals and relationships that form the family system, within the context of society this system has an underlying purpose to:
  1. Provide identical developmental experiences for all members.
  2. Meet physical and emotional needs.
  3. Create an unchanging physical environment for all members.
  4. Satisfy educational and social needs.
A young couple is expecting the birth of a child in several months. Because the wife's mother is widowed and lives alone, the couple asks her to live with them and she accepts. Which of the following types of diverse family structures is about to be created?
  1. Nuclear
  2. Extended
  3. Blended
  4. Non-traditional
A family of five has a tradition of meeting weekly at a specific time and place. During these meetings, each family member is encouraged to discuss anything that is bothering him or her and is supported when expressing feelings and opinions. This practice is most likely to influence each family member's ability to:
  1. Maintain flexible patterns of behavior.
  2. Develop effective problem-solving skills.
  3. Create an individual sense of fulfillment.
  4. Protect against the development of negative behaviors.
Which of the following parenting strategies would be an effective first step in helping children cope in the event that a parent becomes seriously ill?
  1. Engaging in weekly psychotherapy to manage behavioral changes.
  2. Spending more time with extended family to alleviate stress.
  3. Reading books to understand medical treatments.
  4. Providing opportunities to express feelings unconditionally.

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