Massage Therapist Practice Exam - Question List

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31. Which of the following is type of energy-based treatment that is non-invasive and used to restore balance and health to the entire body?
  1. Shiatsu
  2. Reflexology
  3. Therapeutic Touch
  4. Rolfing
32. Physiological effects of massage are sub-divided into two primary categories. One of the categories is called the “Reflexive” physiological response. What is the other category called?
  1. Resisted
  2. Assisted
  3. Manual
  4. Mechanical
33. As a massage therapist, which of the following questions is the most important question to ask a new client who you have just met?
  1. Have you ever had a massage before?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. Do you prefer heat in your massage session?
  4. Who referred you to me for this treatment?
34. The lifting, pulling, rolling, and squeezing strokes are all types of which Swedish massage strokes?
  1. Vibration
  2. Percussion
  3. Petrissage
  4. Friction
35. Gina Gemellus is practicing her Swedish massage techniques for an upcoming hands-on practical. She will be required to practice a routine for the back using all the Swedish massage strokes in their correct order. What will be the order of strokes she will use?
  1. Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Vibration, and Tapotement
  2. Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Tapotement, and Vibration
  3. Effleurage, Friction, Petrissage, Vibration, and Tapotement
  4. Effleurage, Vibration, Petrissage, Friction, and Tapotement

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