Massage Therapist Practice Exam - Question List

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As an employee of a massage business, what will be expected of you?

  1. Be prompt for your shifts
  2. Follow the dress code
  3. Being courteous to the clients
  4. All the above

If you hear a rumor that one of your colleagues has been acting inappropriately with clients, what should you do?

  1. Confront that colleague directly
  2. Ignore it as rumors are only hearsay
  3. Speak immediately with your supervisor
  4. Ask your clients or other colleagues about the rumor
28. Which of the following methods of payment can you expect to be taxed for?
  1. Bartering
  2. Gift certificates
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A or B
29. If a client gives you horrible feedback after your massage session, how should you handle the situation?
  1. Listen carefully and thank them for their input
  2. Defend your massage and dispute their claims
  3. Refuse payment and ask them not to return
  4. Tell them you will give them a free session the next time
30. Assessing posture would be recorded in which part of SOAP notes?
  1. S
  2. O
  3. A
  4. P

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