MACE Medication Assistant Exam Prep - Question List

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96. In an emergency situation, which drug is safe to be administered through a patient’s endotracheal tube?
  1. Epinephrine
  2. Mucoephrine
  3. Vasomycin
  4. Naltraxinine

Which of the following medications is a neuromuscular blocker?

  1. Botulinum toxin A
  2. Oxcabazepine
  3. Chlordiazepoxide
  4. Finasteride

Which of the following is a generic name for Finasteride?

  1. Propecia
  2. Gefina
  3. Appecia
  4. Finara
  5. All of the above

Which condition would sulfisoxazole be a potential prescription for?

  1. Folic acid deficiency anemia
  2. Urinary tract infections
  3. Peritoneal abscess
  4. Keratitis

Which of the following is likely to be the first-line treatment for congestive heart failure?

  1. Alpha blockers
  2. CCBs
  3. ACEIs
  4. ARBs
  5. None of the Above

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