FSOT Geography Practice Exam - Question List

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What is the Earth's smallest ocean?

  1. Indian
  2. Arctic
  3. Atlantic
  4. Antarctic
62. Florida is an example of
  1. an isthmus
  2. an island
  3. a peninsula
  4. a plateau
63. Which is the main reason that many early peoples settled in river valleys?
  1. River valleys tended to be cooler than highland regions.
  2. River valleys were virtually free of danger from wild animals.
  3. River valleys were easier to defend from attack than were highland regions.
  4. River valleys were fertile because floodwaters left rich soil on the banks.
64. What is an important reason that skyscrapers were built in American cities?
  1. Construction companies liked to build structures that made residents feel as if they lived in single-family houses.
  2. Skyscrapers allowed tenants to create a closer community.
  3. Skyscrapers allowed people to use small amounts of land more efficiently.
  4. Citizens wanted to be safe from street crime.
65. Which of the following continents has the most manufacturing and trade?
  1. Australia
  2. Europe
  3. Africa
  4. South America

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