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101.Therapy is defined as the application of any technique to improve a person’s mental, social, and interpersonal functioning. Individuals seek out this practice for a variety of reasons, from serious mental illness to a desire to talk about their problems. Who can benefit from therapy?
102.Task-centered therapy takes place on a short-term basis, usually 6 to 12 weeks. It focuses on problems and behaviors, not emotions. A social worker does not direct the client; rather, the social worker and client collaborate to define problems and solutions. What assumption is crucial to task-centered therapy?
103.Social workers assisting individuals and families as they approach the end of life utilize multidimensional assessments and interventions. What kind of therapy practice is likely to be most important in an end-of-life care situation?
104.Person-centered therapy revolves around the demonstration of empathy, congruence, and unconditional positive regard. Active listening is very important. In order for the approach to be successful, what kind of relationship should there be between therapist and client?
105.Indirect practice benefits all individuals, but especially the population targeted by social welfare programs and policies. Due to universal entitlement, a social worker strives to manage what problem?