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111.Cognitive behavior therapy is the ideal treatment for many mental health problems. It was developed by combining behavior therapy and cognitive therapy. Both practices are utilized for identifying present issues and finding ways to eliminate symptoms of certain disorders. Specific psychological disorders receive direct treatment that is:
112.According to research on autism, individuals suffering from this disorder have abnormalities in several areas of the brain. Manifestations vary according to chronological age and developmental level. One third of people with autism have:
113.Individuals who suffer from borderline personality disorder feel uncertain about their identity and self-image. They take little responsibility for their actions and view themselves as victims. Many patients will frantically avoid real or imaginary abandonment. What kind of therapy would a professional find most successful for an individual with borderline personality disorder?
114.Task-centered therapy focuses on the belief that individuals have both the resources and the desire to solve their problems. Family and environmental systems may block or facilitate resolution. Collaboration between therapist and client is utilized to define problems and solutions. Treatment is short-term, normally lasting how long?