Dietetic Technician DTR Exam Prep - Question List

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26. The number of individuals directed by one manager is known as a:
  1. Staffing pattern
  2. Concentric model
  3. Span of control
  4. Production line
27. A goitrogenic food has which of the following effects?
  1. May increase urinary excretion of glucosinolates
  2. Suppresses thyroid activity and inhibits the synthesis of thyroxine
  3. Increases blood levels of uric acid
  4. May interfere with calcium absorption

Which of the following measurements should be performed to assess the degree of iron deficiency in an anemic patient?

  1. Serum ferritin
  2. Transferrin saturation
  3. Mean corpuscular volume
  4. Hemoglobin concentration
29. Which of the following is not advised for preventing dental caries in children less than 12 months of age:
  1. Use of prescription fluoride supplements
  2. Avoidance of putting children to bed with bottles
  3. Brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste
  4. Restricting intake of sticky sugared foods
30. A foodservice manager wants to change the overtime policy for kitchen employees, most of which belong to the union. What steps does the manager need to follow to bring about the desired change?
  1. Ask the kitchen staff for a “show of hands” about the proposed change, and decide based on majority rule.
  2. Make the change without discussing it with anyone.
  3. Put the proposed change in writing and set up a meeting with union representatives to discuss it.
  4. Ask the staff members with the most seniority for their opinion and make the decision based on their input.

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