CNM Certified Nurse Midwife
Maintained and Updated as of 2025
Select how would you like to study presents our exam prep module for the AMCB's Certified Nurse Midwife exam. Our 250+ multiple-choice questions were all written by midwifery experts. Each question comes with a detailed explanation to ensure you understand the critical takeaway for every topic.
This module includes questions covering all of the following: exam categories:
– Antepartum care
– Gynecology
– Intrapartum care
– Newborn care
– Postpartum care
– Primary care
– Professional conduct
The Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) certification exam is a standardized test administered by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB). It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of midwives who have completed a nurse-midwifery education program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME).
There are several reasons why you might consider taking the CNM certification exam:
- To become a certified nurse-midwife: To practice as a CNM, you must be certified by the AMCB. The CNM certification exam is a requirement for obtaining this certification.
- To improve your knowledge and skills: The CNM certification exam covers a wide range of topics related to midwifery, including obstetrical care, gynecological care, and newborn care. You can expand your knowledge and skills in these areas by studying for and taking the exam.
- To advance your career: Many hospitals and other healthcare organizations prefer to hire midwives certified by the AMCB. By becoming a CNM, you may be able to open up new job opportunities and advance your career.
- To increase your credibility: The CNM certification is a widely recognized and respected credential in midwifery. By becoming a CNM, you can demonstrate your commitment to your profession and dedication to providing high-quality patient care. is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the American Midwifery Certification Board or any other organization.
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Ted Chan
Managing Editor
Ted Chan is the Managing Editor of Ted has experience as a journalist and a writer, including editorial or content production roles at ESPN, Better Business Bureau, The Boston Globe, and Forbes. Ted holds a BA from Swarthmore College with High Honors, and a MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Ted also studied at the Harvard Business School, earning a Certificate in Value-based Health Care Delivery.
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