CGRN GI/Endoscopy Practice Exam - Question List

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16. A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. When reviewing the laboratory results, which of the following serum amylase levels would the nurse expect?
  1. 50 units/L
  2. 20 units/L
  3. 100 units/L
  4. 500 units/L
17. A nurse aspirates the client’s stomach contents and checks the contents’ pH before tube feeding. The nurse confirms the tube placement is correct when the pH level reads:
  1. pH 2.7
  2. pH 4.5
  3. pH 7.0
  4. pH 8.0
18. A nurse is preparing to remove the nasogastric tube of Hannah, a 67-year-old client. The nurse should instruct the client to do which of the following just before removing the tube?
  1. Slowly breathe out
  2. Slowly breathe in
  3. Quickly breath in and then breathe out
  4. Hold her breath
19. The nurse places the client in this position immediately after a percutaneous liver biopsy:
  1. Semi-Fowler’s position
  2. Left-side lying position
  3. Right-side lying position
  4. Supine position.
20. Hank Smith, a 36-year-old bartender, was admitted for a total cystectomy with creation of an ileal conduit. Hank was diagnosed with a bladder tumor six months ago. While emptying and cleaning the stoma, the nurse is incorrect when she does which of the following?
  1. Maintains an aseptic technique all throughout the procedure.
  2. Changes the urine collection appliance on a timely schedule.
  3. Instructs the client to sit upright on the bed.
  4. Changes the appliance during early morning.

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