CGRN GI/Endoscopy Practice Exam - Question List

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6. What nursing action best facilitates the passage of the nasoenteric tube from the stomach through the pylorus and into the duodenum?
  1. Gently advancing the tube 1-4 inches at regular time intervals
  2. Positioning the client on the right side for 2 hours after insertion
  3. Maintaining strict bed rest and avoiding all unnecessary movement
  4. Positioning the client in a flat supine position
7. The mouth care measure that should be used with caution by the nurse when a client has a nasogastric tube is:
  1. Regularly brushing teeth and tongue with soft brush
  2. Sucking on ice chips to relieve dryness
  3. Occasionally rinsing mouth with a non-astringent substance and massaging gums
  4. Application of lemon juice and glycerine swabs to the lips
8. After her gastrectomy, actress Sandra Newton asks the nurse when the nasogastric tube will be removed. The nurse responds ______________.
  1. “According to standard procedures only, it will be removed on the fourth postoperative day.”
  2. “When bowel sounds are established and you have passed flatus or stool.”
  3. “Thirty-six hours after the cessation of bloody drainage.”
  4. “After two days of alternate clamping and unclamping of the tube.”
9. Following gastrectomy, the nurse must observe for signs of pernicious anemia because:
  1. The extrinsic factor is produced in the stomach
  2. The extrinsic factor is absorbed in the antral portion of the stomach
  3. The intrinsic factor is produced in the stomach
  4. Decreased hydrochloride acid production inhibits vitamin B12 reabsorption
10. Mr. Seuss, a music teacher, is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis and pancrelipase (Lipancreatin) is prescribed. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to this client about the administration of this medication?
  1. “Take the drug with meals.”
  2. “Take the drug with a large glass of milk.”
  3. “Take the drug between meals.”
  4. “Take the drug after it is crushed and mixed with ice cream.”

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