Nurse Aide NNAAP Exam Prep

Maintained and Updated as of 2025

PracticeQuiz presents 108 free nurse aide review questions and explanations for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) exam

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 Nurse Aide Practice Test - Updated 2021

 PracticeQuiz presents 108 free review questions and explanations for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam given by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.  Depending on your state this may be referred to as a STNA, NA, or CNA.

We have a second set with 50 more free Nurse Aide practice test questions.
The NNAAP certification is considered the highest standard of nurse aide credentials. The NNAAP test is a computer-based exam with 70 multiple choice questions, ten of which are unscored, or an oral exam with 60 multiple choice questions and 10 reading comprehension questions. The exam also has a skill demonstration portion.
The Nurse Aide certification test covers the following content domains:
  •  Physical Care Skills
  •  Psychosocial Care Skills 
  •  Role of the Nurse Aide

 The NNAAP is used in 25 jurisdictions to evaluate the skills of nurse aides. These jurisdictions are: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia (Washington, DC), Georgia, Guam, Louisiana, the Mariana Islands, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, the Virgin Islands, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Already a Nurse Aide? We can help you get your PN certification with our NCLEX-PN exam practice, with 70 questions to help you ace your exam.
Disclaimer: This content is provided for informational purposes only. It has not been edited, fact checked or updated. This content is neither affiliated nor endorsed by NCSBN or any other official agency. These questions were written by a third party test prep company and licensed by PracticeQuiz for use on this site. Please use at your own discretion.

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Ted Chan

Ted Chan

Managing Editor

Ted Chan is the Managing Editor of Ted has experience as a journalist and a writer, including editorial or content production roles at ESPN, Better Business Bureau, The Boston Globe, and Forbes. Ted holds a BA from Swarthmore College with High Honors, and a MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Ted also studied at the Harvard Business School, earning a Certificate in Value-based Health Care Delivery.

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