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At the urgent care, you are seeing a 28 year old female. She is diaphoretic and disoriented and has a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The patient complains of anxiety and disorientation and is unable to sit still. What do you suspect is causing the patient’s symptoms?
Sarah Deely, 68 years old, is now recovering from surgery for the repair of a hip fracture. Which of the following is appropriate care for Mrs. Deely?
Your patient is an alcoholic 50-year-old woman who is suffering from nerve damage. What supplement would be useful if the diagnosis is alcoholic neuropathy?
Your primary care patient Laura had an endarterectomy. 3 weeks later, her cardiologist ordered Clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg to be taken once a day at PM. You understand this prescription is likely to: