Progressive Care Nursing PCCN Exam Prep - Question List

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61. Stroke or cerebrovascular accidents are classified as:
  1. Ischemic and hemorrhagic
  2. Only ischemic
  3. Only hemorrhagic
  4. None of the above
62. If the patient has temp >38 degree centigrade or subnormal rectal temperature < 36 degress centigrade, tachypnea or PaCO2 < 32 mm of Hg, what is the diagnosis?
  1. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
  2. Septic shock
  3. Neurogenic shock
  4. None of the above
63. A patient presents in the cardiac emergency department with left-sided chest pain. His ECG shows ST segment elevations. Patient complains that this pain occurs cyclically, i.e., at the same time each day and during rest period. What is the most likely treatment?
  1. Calcium channel blockers
  2. Beta blockers
  3. Alpha blockers
  4. ACE inhibitors
64. The most common cause or type of cerebral aneurysms is:
  1. Congenital
  2. Direct trauma
  3. Infection
  4. Connective tissue disorder
65. A known hypertensive man presented with severe headache, altered state of consciousness and a claim that this is the worst headache he has ever experienced. What is the cause?
  1. Intracranial bleed
  2. Subarachnoid headache
  3. Stroke
  4. All of the above

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