Praxis II: Special Education Exam Prep - Question List

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16. Which of the following describes syntax as a component of language development?
  1. The letters of the alphabet
  2. The structure of language and how a child forms sentences
  3. Vocabulary
  4. A speaker’s meaning
17. Third grader Kylie has difficulty reading social cues in relation to communication. She may misinterpret a rhetorical question as a literal question or misunderstand metaphors or similes. She frequently dominates conversations or skips from topic to topic. These characteristics show a breakdown in which of the components of language development?
  1. Pragmatics
  2. Syntax
  3. Semantics
  4. Morphology
18. The sensorimotor stage of development refers to which of the following characteristics?
  1. Understands abstract concepts and can attach meaning to symbols
  2. Grasps concrete concepts and enjoys manipulating objects for their meaning
  3. Exploring the environment and objects for their sensory value
  4. Ability to analyze complex data and make logical inferences
19. Differentiated instruction requires a teacher to do which of the following?
  1. Use the same lesson plans from year to year
  2. Assess the current level of knowledge and tailor lesson plans accordingly
  3. Make a different lesson plan for each child
  4. Rotate several teachers throughout the week
20. Mrs. Williams is planning lesson plans for the month. She is currently considering what she wants the children to learn based on assessments of their current growth, as well as standards set forth by the school district and state. Which of the following components of lesson planning is she considering?
  1. Process
  2. Content
  3. Product
  4. Materials

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