Praxis II Physics Content Knowledge Exam Prep - Question List

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16. Which of the following conditions results in the buildup of static charge on an object?
  1. when neutrons outnumber electrons
  2. when there are more protons than neutrons
  3. when there are more electrons than protons
  4. when all neutrons have been removed from the object
17. Which of the following properties is the same for all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?
  1. amplitude
  2. frequency
  3. speed
  4. wavelength
18. Which of the following statements best explains why lightning is seen before thunder is heard?
  1. Electromagnetic waves travel faster than mechanical waves in air.
  2. Electromagnetic waves have a higher frequency than mechanical waves.
  3. Electromagnetic waves experience less interference than mechanical
  4. Electromagnetic waves form faster than mechanical waves during a thunderstorm.
19. A large container of cold water is moved from a refrigerator to a table. A hot piece of metal is placed into the water.

Which of the following best describes the final temperature of the metal?
  1. higher than the final temperature of the water
  2. the same as the final temperature of the water
  3. lower than the initial temperature of the water
  4. the same as the initial temperature of the water
20. Electric charges can move most easily on which of the following objects?
  1. glass tubes
  2. metal plates
  3. plastic cups
  4. rubber tires

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