Nurse Aide NNAAP Exam Prep - Question List

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16. The preferred position for the client receiving a back massage is:
  1. Prone
  2. Supine
  3. Fowler’s
  4. Side lying.
17. When giving the client a bed bath, which of the following sequences is preferred?
  1. Face, arms, legs, chest, back, buttocks
  2. Face, chest, arms, legs, back, buttocks
  3. Face, chest, arms, back, buttocks, legs
  4. Face, arms, chest, legs, back, buttocks
18. In order to maintain the workload near the center of gravity to prevent muscle strain and fatigue, the nurse aide should do which of the following when moving a client or heavy object?
  1. Carry the object close to the body.
  2. Hyperextend the arms and neck whenever possible during the move.
  3. Maintain the bed in its lowest position with the side rails up.
  4. Stand as far away from the work area as possible.
19. Mrs. Sipps has a nasogastric tube in place for intermittent feedings. During feedings she should be placed in which position, unless contraindicated?
  1. Flat with head to one side
  2. Flat and supine
  3. High Fowler’s
  4. Right lateral
20. A client has been identified as having a very virulent bacterial infection that is spread through close physical contact. The nurse aide understands that, in order to decrease the chance of spreading these organisms, which of the following infection control precautions should be observed?
  1. Airborne precautions
  2. Droplet precautions
  3. Contact precautions
  4. Protective precautions

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