National Police Officer Exam Prep - Question List

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The Concord Police Department has 18 employees whose total salary last year was $855,000. The average salary of state employees with the same mix of responsibility and qualifications is $50,000. Is your department above or below the company average?

  1. Below by 20%
  2. Above by 10%
  3. Below by 5%
  4. Above by 15%
  5. Above by 75%

Officer Kim is on her way to Melissa’s house, traveling 59 miles per hour.  Officer Kim lives 29 miles from Melissa’s house.

Estimate the amount of time it will take Officer Kim to arrive at Melissa’s house.

  1. 60 minutes
  2. 1 hour
  3. A half hour
  4. 20 minutes

The town police budget is based on population. The population of Blueville increased by approximately 0.5% last year. If the population at the beginning of the year was 2,460, what was the approximate population by the end of the year?

  1. 2,842
  2. 2,960
  3. 2,465
  4. 2,510
  5. 2,472

A crime occurred in 35 feet by 35 feet space. How many square feet is the room?

  1. 1,325
  2. 1,225
  3. 1,275
  4. 905
  5. 1,185

The police department's statistics show that in a certain part of the city, 50% of people are under the age of 39 years while 50% of people make over $80,000 per year. What is this descriptive statistic referred to?

  1. average
  2. mean
  3. mode
  4. median

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