12. A fifth-grade SEI teacher is designing a physical science lesson on light absorption and color for a class that includes developing-level English learners. Students will shine flashlights (white light) in a dark room on red, blue, and green construction paper; shine the flashlights through red, blue, and green filters on each of the colored pieces of paper; and then write three sentences about their findings. The teacher plans to discuss light as the source of color and illustrate that transparent colored filters absorb certain wavelengths of color and transmit other wavelengths. For example, when the flashlight shines through a blue filter on blue paper, the paper reflects blue and appears blue. But when the flashlight shines through the blue filter on red paper, the blue is absorbed and no light is reflected, and the red paper appears black. To promote the English learners' ability to understand and participate successfully in this lesson, which of the following sets of words and phrases would be most appropriate to preteach?