MTEL English as a Second Language - Question List

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Use the steps below of an informal aural language assessment administered to English language learners to answer the question that follows.
  1.  A teacher pronounces pairs of words (e.g., thorn/torn, mother/mother, boat/both).
  2.  Students identify whether the words are the same or different.
  3.  The teacher presents written sentences that contain a missing word (e.g., "I want to_____  you for helping me today").
  4.  The teacher reads each sentence, inserting a given word (e.g., thank) for the missing word.
  5.  Students select from a choice of two words (e.g., tank/thank) which word the teacher inserted in the sentence. 

This type of assessment primarily provides information about English language learners':
  1. Listening comprehension.
  2. Grammatical competence.
  3. Phoneme discrimination.
  4. Auditory processing.
Which of the following informal listening comprehension assessment tasks would be most appropriate to use with an entering-level English language learner?
  1. The student produces a short response to a teacher's open-ended question about a familiar topic.
  2. The student identifies a picture that corresponds to a teacher's aural input.
  3. The student completes a short cloze exercise while listening to audio-recorded aural input.
  4. The student retells a simple story after listening to the story read aloud.
An ESL teacher is planning to assess English language learners' communicative language skills by conducting one-on-one structured oral interviews. The teacher will use a rubric to score student responses in such areas as describing a personal experience and expressing a personal opinion. Which of the following guidelines would be most important for the teacher to follow when administering this type of oral language assessment?
  1. Provide students with possible responses when they hesitate or fail to respond to a question and move on quickly if a student appears unable to respond.
  2. Ask questions that elicit expected responses on topics of which the teacher and student have shared knowledge.
  3. Avoid making assumptions based on knowledge of a student or on the student's past performance and base judgments on the language produced in the interview.
  4. Allow students to determine the topic and direction of the interview with limited input or guidance from the teacher.
An ESL teacher is selecting a formal listening comprehension assessment to use with developing-level English language learners. Each potential test requires a student to listen to aural input in an audio recording and respond to written comprehension questions. Which of the following features would be most important for the teacher to consider when selecting an assessment for this purpose for students at this level?
  1. The methods by which the test is scored and results are reported.
  2. The visual layout and attractiveness of the test materials.
  3. The number of speakers used in the test's aural input.
  4. The linguistic difficulty of the test questions.
During a teacher read-aloud of a big book, a first-grade English language learner is able to correctly point to an illustration of a horse when he is asked the question, "Where is the horse?" However, in an oral retelling of the story after the read-aloud, he is unable to recall and produce the word horse. Which of the following provides the best explanation for the student's difficulty?
  1. He is over relying on picture cues to help him make meaning from the words in the story.
  2. Assessment anxiety in the context of the oral retelling is hindering him from demonstrating his knowledge of the word.
  3. Phonemes in the word are difficult for him to pronounce because they do not exist in his first language.
  4. The word is in his aural receptive vocabulary but has not yet been incorporated into his oral expressive vocabulary.

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