MAT Practice Analogy Questions - Question List

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176. gerontocracy : elderly
  1. timocracy : landowners
  2. oligarchy : wealthy
  3. plutocracy : single ethnic group
  4. demarchy : despot
177. supercilious : obsequious ::
  1. inexorable : relentless
  2. miserly : stingy
  3. pristine : unspoiled
  4. spartan : opulent
178. supplicate : beseech ::
  1. inculcate : instill
  2. portend : reminisce
  3. rankle : attend
  4. preen : ruffle
179. sycophant : flatters ::
  1. interloper : critiques
  2. malefactor : repels
  3. raconteur : regales
  4. minion : leads
180. taciturn : effusive ::
  1. inert : inactive
  2. putative : supposed
  3. rapacious : satiated
  4. quotidian : commonplace

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