GRE Vocabulary Builder - Question List

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31. pedantic : doctrinaire ::
  1. frugal : extravagant
  2. discrete : distinct
  3. imperturbable : excitable
  4. meretricious : praiseworthy
32. nebulous : precise ::
  1. lurid : gruesome
  2. insouciant : unconcerned
  3. luculent : clear
  4. piquant : bland
33. nascent : burgeoning ::
  1. involute : simple
  2. lachrymose : tearful
  3. prosaic : inspiring
  4. saturnine : optimistic
34. mundane : exotic ::
  1. limpid : transparent
  2. implacable : callous
  3. minatory : menacing
  4. rapacious : munificent
35. obviate : preclude ::
  1. petrify : fossilize
  2. upbraid : flatter
  3. jettison : preserve
  4. negate : reinforce

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