GRE Vocabulary Builder - Question List

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71. stygian : dark ::
  1. propitious : unfavorable
  2. quizzical : curious
  3. recalcitrant : obedient
  4. scurrilous : complimentary
72. stolid : demonstrative ::
  1. indeterminate : uncertain
  2. mutinous : rebellious
  3. pensive : contemplative
  4. refulgent : dull
73. slake : quench ::
  1. perforate : pleat
  2. quell : incite
  3. fulminate : explode
  4. polarize : amalgamate
74. sinuous : lithe ::
  1. furtive : overt
  2. indulgent : lenient
  3. officious : eager
  4. pellucid : opaque
75. servile : sycophantic ::
  1. pertinacious : stubborn
  2. inveterate : modern
  3. pendulous : interred
  4. plausible : absolute

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