FSOT: 500 Test Prep Study Questions - Question List

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406. The government's power of eminent domain allows them to do which of the following?
  1. Take private property for public use
  2. Hold prisoners without trial during wartime
  3. Use the armed forces to put down civil disturbances
  4. Mail official communications without paying for postage
407. During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, an agreement was reached known as the Great Compromise to settle a dispute over representation in Congress.How were states divided over this issue?
  1. Northern states versus southern states
  2. Large states versus small states
  3. Agricultural states versus industrial states
  4. Rural states versus urban states
408. Which of the following is the presiding officer of the U.S. Senate?
  1. The President pro tempore of the Senate
  2. The Majority Leader
  3. The Vice President
  4. The Majority Whip
409. In which of the following incidents did diplomatic negotiations came to a halt when the U.S. was asked for a bribe in 1797 by another government?
  1. Floridablanca Affair
  2. Gadsden Affair
  3. Kuryakin Affair
  4. XYZ Affair
410. In the 2004 U.S. Presidential election, about what percentage of voters were from households with a labor union member?
  1. 15
  2. 25
  3. 35
  4. 45

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