FSOT: 500 Test Prep Study Questions - Question List

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521. Each of the following nations, once part of Yugoslavia, emerged as an independent country at the end of the Balkan conflict that dominated much of the 1990's, except:
  1. Slovenia
  2. Serbia
  3. Macedonia
  4. Latvia
522. The dinar is the official currency of which of the following nations?
  1. Portugal
  2. Kuwait
  3. Colombia
  4. Sudan
523. Which nation would not be considered a constitutional monarchy today?
  1. Great Britain
  2. Portugal
  3. Sweden
  4. Australia
524. After the historic Battle of Midway during WWII, the United States' navy:
  1. Was the equal of or superior to Japanese naval forces
  2. Completely controlled the Pacific Ocean for the remainder of the war
  3. Was forced to withdraw from the Pacific theater for a short time
  4. Suffered defeats in most naval battles with Japan fought over the next year
525. Which of the following Latin American nations did not win independence from European control until the twentieth century?
  1. Venezuela
  2. Ecuador
  3. Paraguay
  4. Grenada

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