FSOT: 500 Test Prep Study Questions - Question List

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261. Which of the following demonstrates a correctly designed formula for determining the sum of the value of two cells in one row?
  1. "=SUM(A1:C1)"
  2. "=(A1:C1)"
  3. "=(A1+B1)"
  4. "=SUMA1+B1"
262. When using a database, communication is done using SQL, which stands for which of the following?
  1. Structured Query Language
  2. Simple Query Linguistics
  3. Storing Quality Language
  4. Simplified Quality Logistics
263. When using a database such as Microsoft Access, what character is used to separate words in data labels?
  1. /
  2. a space
  3. _
  4. *
264. In Microsoft Word, which of the following functions is not available when right clicking on highlighted text?
  1. Copy
  2. Paste
  3. Save
  4. Bullet or number
265. Which of the following electronic extensions for websites and e-mail addresses does not designate a specific type of group or organization?
  1. .edu
  2. .gov
  3. .net
  4. .co.jp

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