FSOT: 500 Test Prep Study Questions - Question List

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501. Portuguese is the official language of all the following countries except:
  1. Mozambique
  2. Brazil
  3. Angola
  4. Peru
502. Which of the following was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1994 for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East?
  1. Yassar Arafat
  2. Ariel Sharon
  3. William (Bill) Clinton
  4. Anwar al-Sadat
503. Which of the following nations was not invaded or occupied by German forces during WWII?
  1. Belgium
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Russia
504. The trials of accused Nazi war criminals took place in front of an international tribunal in which city?
  1. Berlin
  2. Yalta
  3. Nuremberg
  4. New York
505. During the most active years of the Atlantic slave trade, from the late fifteenth century through the middle of the nineteenth century, the region that saw the highest numbers of slaves imported was:
  1. British North America
  2. Spanish America
  3. British Caribbean
  4. Continental Europe

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