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21.Social workers take on many roles when assessing and providing intervention to their clients. For example, the mediator role involves resolving conflicts in various subsystems without taking sides. Which of the following is another role social workers play?
22.In an effort to keep his job and family, George has decided to seek therapy for his substance abuse problem. Since this type of psychological problem is viewed as an inability to make meaningful and self-directed choices on how to live, intervention should be directed at increasing George’s self-awareness and understanding, with a focus on acceptance and growth. Which kind of therapy is this a description of?
23.Existential therapy focuses on helping clients find meaning amidst anxiety by making choices to act and think responsibly and focusing on individual problems such as loneliness, despair, isolation and death. Existential therapy believes that clients’ problems come from not sufficiently exercising choice to bring meaning into their lives. What are the main themes for this type of therapy?
25.A social worker meets with the Robertson family to complete a comprehensive family assessment to help recognize parental behavior. Information will be collected on who lives in the home, health history, employment and stability. Which of the following possible contributing factors should the social worker consider?