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16.Depression has been called by different names, such as the blues, sadness, gloom and just being melancholy. Which of the following is a common symptom of depression?
17.After a social worker has identified the target behavior of a client, it is time to start collaborative problem solving, including examining the problem situation and developing a hypothesis. There are three parts to this particular type of problem solving: identifying the antecedent, identifying the function of the behavior and:
18.When applying behavior analysis, assessment guides the recognition of target behaviors and the development of an intervention. What are the four methods utilized to obtain a complete understanding of a person’s behavior?
19.When multiple behaviors are identified, a social worker must prioritize according to significance. Factors in determining the significance of a problem include the effect of the behavior on a person’s environmental access and its social importance and whether intervention is age-appropriate. What is the term for the priority or most significant behavior?
20.The Madisons are meeting with their social worker, who is helping them with daily functioning. They are called into one room and shown a flow chart describing the processes the family unconsciously follows. There are distinguishing hierarchies and alliances within. What type of therapy is the social worker utilizing?