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231.There is threat of a labor strike within the agency James is currently providing social work services through. He knows this action will improve services to clients and working conditions. What should James take into consideration before participating?
232.Social workers often find themselves in dual relationships. The management of transference and counter transference cannot be ignored. Within the realm of child welfare, supervisors play a vital role in what areas?
233.Child welfare practice is impacted by changes in laws or regulations and updated practice models. It is the social worker’s dual responsibility to keep current on these topics and be able to explain them to clientele in a competent manner. Which resources should the social worker use to accomplish this feat?
234.Mallory is providing child welfare services to the family of a 15 year old. The adolescent states she was sexually assaulted by her ex-boyfriend. Both parents report their daughter being sexually active for the last twoyears. The ex-boyfriend reports the two were dating and sex was consensual. Mallory knows the adolescent is currently safe and in no imminent danger. Her next move is to determine whether the teen was of age to consent. What should Mallory do next?
235.When working with children, a social worker must be able to recognize imminent danger and ensure that the child receives appropriate protection. The role of the professional is to report and document the risk to the proper authorities and then explain the rationale to the family in a manner conducive to their understanding. What rules should a risk assessment based on imminent danger follow?