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226.Larry has knowledge that a fellow colleague is teaching aboutparenting skills during his sessions with clients. This is not a field of expertise,and the colleague’s teachings are based on personal parenting experiences. Larry has tried to discuss this issue with the fellow social worker but has not been successful. What ethical standard is the colleague violating?
227.A social worker was observed accepting money from an attorney for a copy of a client’s record. The colleague who witnessed the event discussed the matter with the professional, and efforts are being made to resolve the problem. The actions that took place in regards to the client’s records fall under what category?
229.Client records hold valuable information pertaining to the services and needs of an individual or family. Documentation should reflect the services being provided in an accurate manner. What is another important consideration?
230.Mr. Harrison receives a phone call from an individual wanting to transfer social work services to him from another professional. To minimize confusion, Mr. Harrison should do what?