FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep - Question List

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21. The nurse is planning to give a 3 year-old child oral antibiotics. Which of the following is the best approach by the nurse?
  1. "Would you like to take your medicine from a spoon or a cup?"
  2. "This is your medicine, and you must take it all now."
  3. "This will make you feel better once you take it."
  4. "Do you want to take this pretty medicine?"
22. The nurse provides instructions regarding home care to the parents of a 3-year-old child hospitalized with hemophilia. Which statement, if made by the parent, indicates a need for further instructions?
  1. “We will supervise the child closely.”
  2. “We will pad corners of the furniture.”
  3. “We will remove household items that can easily fall over.”
  4. “We will avoid having the child receive immunizations and cancel the scheduled dental appointments.”

The NP is administering total parental nutrition (TPN) through a peripheral I.V. line to a school-age child. What’s the smallest amount of glucose that’s considered safe and not caustic to small veins, while also providing adequate TPN?

  1. 10%
  2. 13%
  3. 15%
  4. 20%

With enterobiasis or pinworm, a major symptom is:

  1. scaly skin patches
  2. loose bowel movement
  3. anal itching
  4. maculopapular rash

A 2 year old was brought to the family clinic for a routine check up. When assessing the child’s relationship with other children, the parents should expect to observe:

  1. cooperative play
  2. team play
  3. parallel play
  4. initiative play

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