Florida Real Estate Exam - Question List

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The economic life of an improvement is the period of time which is:

  1. Equal to, or the same as, the improvement’s physical life
  2. Between the completion of the building and its inability to produce income
  3. Beyond the improvement’s physical life
  4. Over when it stops producing income equal to taxes, maintenance, and utilities
A bank gave $500 to a licensed real estate sales associate for referring the sales associate’s prospective buyer to the bank for a new loan.  When the sales associate’s broker became aware of the $500 referral fee, the broker immediately fired the sales associate, notified the Real Estate Commissioner and warned all of his other salespeople never to accept such a fee.  In this situation:

  1. The bank is subject to disciplinary action by the Real estate Commissioner
  2. The sales associate is subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner, but the broker is not
  3. The sales associate and broker are subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner
  4. The broker overreacted because a referral fee is legal
A planning commission’s purpose is to:

  1. Draw up blueprints of a total community within one area
  2. Plan for health and safety codes
  3. Pass needed zoning to keep centralization of business
  4. Draft city or county plans with zoning assignments
Mr. Jackson owns a home that is situated at the bottom of a hillside.  In the wintertime during heavy rainstorms his home is subject to damage by flooding, so he dug a trench along the back of his property to divert the water.  This action would be:

  1. Legal if the water is diverted to a vacant lot
  2. Illegal because you cannot divert surface waters to another property to the detriment of the other property
  3. Legal because every owner has the right to protect his property against flooding
  4. Illegal because he is violating the riparian rights law
The value of real estate is created, maintained and destroyed by the interplay of three great forces.  Not included in these three are:

  1. Social ideals and standards
  2. Private restrictions
  3. Government regulations
  4. Economic adjustments

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