INBDE Integrated National Board Dental Exam Prep - Question List

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101. Which layer of fascia contains lymphatic vessels within the neck?
  1. Pretracheal
  2. Prevertebral
  3. Subcutaneous
  4. Investing
102. Which of the following alternatives can lead to secondary hypertension?
  1. adrenal insufficiency
  2. estrogen deficiency
  3. hyperparathyroidism
  4. renal artery stenosis
103. Which of the following structures converge to form the pterygomandibular raphe?
  1. Superior pharyngeal constrictor and mylohyoid
  2. Medial pterygoid and mylohyoid
  3. Buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor
  4. Buccinator and mylohyoid
104. Which of the following directions does the articulating disc of the temporomandibular joint most often displace?
  1. Anteromedially
  2. Laterally
  3. Inferiorly
  4. Superiorly
105. Which of the following wraps around the ligamentum arteriosum?
  1. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
  2. Left brachiocephalic vein
  3. Right subclavian vein
  4. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve

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