INBDE Integrated National Board Dental Exam Prep Set 2 - Question List

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71. The horizontal reference for orientating the incisal plane and the maxillary teeth is:
  1. Smile analysis
  2. Interpupillary line
  3. Gingival framework
  4. Dental analysis
72. Facial proportions are divided into thirds. What is the focus of the middle third?
  1. From the brows to the bottom of the nose
  2. From the nose to the bottom of the chin
  3. From the hairline to the bottom of the chin
  4. From the hairline to the bottom of the nose

What does the centric relation record indicate?

  1. The relationship of mandibular cast to maxillary cast in centric relation
  2. The relationship of mandibular cast to maxillary x-ray in centric relation
  3. The relationship of mandibular x-ray to maxillary cast in centric relation
  4. The relationship of mandibular x-rays to maxillary x-rays in centric relation
74. Patients often display fear, anxiety, and stress in medical environments. Which technique is not a non-aversive used to calm patients?
  1. Data collection
  2. Tell-show-do
  3. Control sharing
  4. Avoidance

Which disease is not a transmittal risk?

  1. Hepatitis C
  2. HIV
  3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  4. Scleroderma

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