CPCE Exam Prep - Question List

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196. How do you decide why someone did something? It has been found that most people first try to figure out if the person acted as a result of internal or external causes. Harold Kelly gave three criteria for answering the internal-external question; can you find two of them below?
  1. Consistency, Fault
  2. Mind-set, Distinctiveness
  3. Unusual, Consensus
  4. Consistency, Consensus
197. One error, or shortcut, to deciding internal/external attribution is so prevalent or basic that it is known as _____________.
  1. Situational Attribution Error
  2. Blaming the Victim
  3. Fundamental Attribution Error
  4. Any of the above
198. There is a Saliency Bias associated with Attribution. Which statement below most closely describes the meaning?
  1. Some personalities/behaviors are more noticeable than situational factors
  2. Some people just look/act guilty, so you recognize that
  3. It’s a kind of cause/effect behavior
  4. There’s no such thing

Kaz wants to stop biting his nails, so he rubs a strong bitter paste under his nails to make his nails taste bad. What technique is Kaz using to stop biting his nails?

  1. Gestalt
  2. Avoidance
  3. Aversion Therapy
  4. DBT
200. Judith Beck, a leading cognitive therapist, has recommended 10 procedures for an initial session. Which one of the answers below is not one of these procedures?
  1. Establish a meaningful agenda
  2. Identify and review presenting problems
  3. Lead the client in a series of free associations
  4. Establish goals

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